ADCV Awards 2019
Plus and Art, winners of the ADCV awards.
Plus and Art have been awarded with the ADVC Gold award and with the ADVC Silver award, respectively. The ADVC (Asociación de Diseñadores de la Comunitat Valenciana) awards are a distinction for the most outstanding and innovative products on the market, that contribute a differentiation through its excellent design. Moreover, it as a certification of quality conferred by an independent reputable jury that supports and distinguishes the best products of the year.

Plus, designed by Jokerlight’s Product Manager, Rubén Saldaña, is a spotlight that offers the ability to expand or focus the opening of the beam of light, through a gentle manual movement.
Its optical system consists of a collimation lens and a ‘snoot’ type retractable screen. Thanks to the user’s manual action, the lens and the snoot act as a zoom (moving away or approaching the LED), allowing the adjustment of the light beam angle from ‘flood’ to ‘spot’ position or vice versa.
Art, designed by Rubén Saldaña & Luis Latrás, is a minimalist and rational suspended luminary that allows an ambitious range of composition possibilities. Individually, it transmits a sober look, but when combined – in an ordered or anarchic way – it is revealed as a sculptural piece of Art.
This luminary can offer ambient lighting in any kind of actual interior design project. Its versatility makes possible both, – a discreet lighting over a table or an artistic composition to smoothly light up vertical opened spaces.